Rothwell Plumbing Services Group Receives David Bavaird Award for Exemplary Community Support in North Tyneside

RPS Group are proud to have been awarded the David Bavaird Award for Community-Minded Businesses. The recognition is a testament to our ongoing dedicated efforts in collaboration with North Tyneside Council to enhance social value for local communities and residents.

Rothwell Plumbing Services Group has been commended for its exceptional support of voluntary and community organisations in North Tyneside. Our commitment to community growth projects has played a crucial role in fostering development and prosperity.

One notable instance was our swift response to a water supply issue at the Lovaine Community Garden. RPS Group not only resolved the water supply problem but also made significant improvements by enhancing hoses/connections, lagging pipes to prevent frost damage, and providing a new sink for washing pots.

This initiative was made possible through the Sector Connector program, an innovative undertaking by North Tyenside VODA that facilitates connections between local businesses and the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. They also actively work to support and develop the voluntary and community sector by offering a comprehensive range of support services and representing the sector’s views to government and policy makers on both local and national levels.

Thank you NORTH TYENSIDE VODA for the recognition!